The Philosophy of the Plus Sign: A Symbol of Life, Law, and Divinity

Milton Fowlin plus sign

In a world teeming with symbols, few hold the profound simplicity and universal recognition of the plus sign (+). Often relegated to the realm of arithmetic and mathematics, this humble symbol transcends its numerical roots to offer a profound philosophy of understanding life, embody the essence of law, and reflect the perfection attributed to divine concepts.

The Plus Sign in Life: A Philosophy of Addition

At its core, the plus sign symbolizes addition—bringing together separate entities to create a greater whole. This notion of addition is a powerful metaphor for life. Each day, we encounter opportunities to add value to our existence and the lives of others. Whether through relationships, knowledge, or experiences, the act of adding enriches our journey.

Consider relationships: friends, family, and partners. Each person we bring into our lives adds a unique dimension, enriching our experience and broadening our perspective. In learning, every new piece of knowledge we acquire adds to our understanding, helping us grow intellectually and emotionally. Life, in essence, is a continuous process of adding experiences, insights, and connections that collectively shape our existence.

This philosophy of addition teaches us that life is not a zero-sum game. Our success and happiness do not come at the expense of others but are enhanced by the positive contributions we make to the world around us. By embracing the plus sign as a symbol of inclusion and growth, we cultivate a mindset focused on abundance rather than scarcity.

The Plus Sign in Law: A Symbol of Balance and Justice

In the realm of law, the plus sign embodies the principle of balance. Law seeks to maintain order and fairness within society, balancing the rights and responsibilities of individuals and the collective. The plus sign, with its intersecting lines, represents the intersection of different interests and perspectives, finding a point of equilibrium.

The horizontal line of the plus sign can be seen as the foundation of law—stable and unwavering, representing the established norms and principles that govern society. The vertical line, intersecting the horizontal, symbolizes the application of these principles in real-world scenarios, where diverse situations and complexities arise. Together, these lines create a balanced structure that upholds justice and equity.

Moreover, the plus sign reminds us that laws are not static. Just as the addition of new laws and amendments reflects societal evolution, the plus sign suggests that law must adapt and grow to address contemporary challenges. It encourages a dynamic approach to justice, one that continuously adds and refines to better serve humanity.

The Plus Sign as a Reflection of Divine Perfection

For many, the concept of divinity is associated with perfection, unity, and the creation of harmony from chaos. The plus sign, in its simplicity and symmetry, is a powerful representation of these divine attributes.

In various religious and philosophical traditions, the cross—a form of the plus sign—holds sacred significance. It symbolizes the intersection of the earthly and the divine, the union of the temporal and the eternal. This intersection is where humanity meets divinity, where the finite touches the infinite.

The perfect balance of the plus sign also mirrors the concept of divine order. It represents a universe where everything is interconnected and purposefully aligned. In this sense, the plus sign is not just a symbol but a manifestation of a greater cosmic truth—a reminder that there is a divine design underpinning the fabric of existence.


The plus sign, though simple in appearance, carries profound philosophical, legal, and divine significance. As a philosophy of life, it encourages us to continuously add value and seek growth. In the realm of law, it symbolizes balance and the pursuit of justice. As a reflection of divinity, it embodies perfection and unity.

By embracing the plus sign in our daily lives, we tap into a universal symbol that guides us towards a richer, more balanced, and harmonious existence. It is a reminder that in every addition, every balanced decision, and every act of creation, we are participating in a greater cosmic order, one that is both profoundly human and exquisitely divine.


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